September 1, 2011


as mentioned before, i watched the Masterchef US contestants face a cheese souffle pressure test so I thought, HEY LETS DO THAT! hahaha. getting a little antsy since I don't cook as much since I've been home because it's Mom's kitchen and not mine.

I used THIS recipe, followed it to a T and seemed to turn out fine! I used the ramekins we had at home, which I think were a little too shallow for the souffles but it's all I had!

right before going into the oven!
my view of the oven channel!
Out of the oven! a little burnt :(

so that concludes my first souffle baking experience! Mom, Sister and I ended up eating about 12 of them all together. Plus salad for dinner. Lots of cheese! hahaha. Sorry for the crappy iPhone pictures, I couldn't take better ones cos we had to eat the souffles before they completely deflated!

I'm thinking I should plan what I blog about next, perhaps about my trip to Hong Kong's new ramen addition- Ippudo!


August 26, 2011


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guess i should post before i get too busy or too lazy to do so :) this was taken a few weeks ago at Nicholini's delicious champagne (sparkling juice for me!) brunch when cousin J came to visit. 

clockwise from the top right: family toast, plateful of seafood goodness, fancy grass jelly in a fancy glass,   sister, pasta, me digging into my souffle, ysl arty (:D), the lightest fluffiest souffle.

mmm souffles are so yummy. that one coupled with watching season 2 of US Masterchef tempted me into making my own! more on that later :)

still getting the hang of blogging again, haven't tweaked with html or coded since xanga days (supa azn!). plus haven't really been paying attention to the fashion side of things... more towards the food. haha. yum! 
